Personal Coaching
I am the wife of a hard-working man, a mom of 3 active children, and I serve as full-time Director of Contemporary Worship Arts at a large and growing church. I love my crazy, awesome life! But it can also be exhausting and overwhelming, even lead to burn-out, if I am not careful. Realizing 2016 would be one of my biggest years to date, I decided to take a different, pro-active approach and sought out Life Coach, Jennifer Freeman, for help. Best decision I could have made! Jen’s “coach approach” not only helped create order and balance to my life, but she surprisingly brought out the best in me as wife, mom, friend, and leader. Her excitement and commitment matched mine every step of the way, and as a result, I set goals and followed through with action plans that I had only dared to dream. Little did I know, our weekly coaching sessions would drive my days, weeks, months, and ultimately 2016 to a healthier and stronger finish than I hoped for. I am grateful for Jen Freeman, my Life Coach. And I highly recommend her to anyone who desires to live life to their fullest potential. Stephanie